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Social Media is a very useful tool when trying to share information with the wider community that your cat is missing.

Never rely solely on social media. Always combine sharing online with postering the area. 

If you have already registered on the team will have added the details to DogLost Surrey facebook group

We will also add to our LostPALS group, whose members can offer support and advice. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you are posting in a closed group, members will not be able to share your post, so always include the link to your Dog Lost poster which they will be able to share elsewhere. 

You can also set up your own Facebook page for your lost pet. Click here for details on how to do this

Apart from the main local Community Groups you may be part of, where you can add your cat's details and link to the DogLost poster, there are also other cat and pet related facebook groups you can join, where you can share information in Surrey Heath and just across the border:

Camberley Cats Protection

DogLost Surrey

DogLost Hampshire

DogLost Berkshire

RSPCA Woking Branch Lost & Found

Pets Lost and Found Yately and Surrounding Area

PAW - Helping Dogs in Need  

Animal Search Uk 

National Pet Register



  • Create a "Page" not a "Group".

  • A page will allow you better control over how the page is run and give you better opportunities to promote it on Facebook. Even to pay to promote is simple, cheap and effective.

  • Name your Page, choose something that includes your cat's name, like “Help Us Find Lost XXXXX (cat's name)

  • Choose a category - Type in Community in the search field and choose that from the drop down menu.

  • Choose Publish to make the page live on Facebook.

  • Link to your cat’s Doglost profile page - Visit your cat’s profile on DogLost and copy and paste the link from there, into your page.

  • Publish your cats’s Doglost poster page - Visit your cat’s poster page on DogLost and copy and paste the link from there, into your page.

  • Invite all your Facebook Friends To Like Your Page.

  • Tag all your friends on the cat's poster and comment underneath the post ”Please share and help me find my cat.”

  • Make sure you add lots of photos of your pet and any details that might be relevant.

  • Make sure you are constantly updating the page with comments, to engage with people and to encourage them to share your page. If people see the owner on the page asking for help and support, they are far more likely to follow and share.   

For more details on how to create a Facebook Page and how to manage roles  - go to  Only give people you trust Admin rights and keep the number of Page Admins to a minimum. 

Information with kind thanks to: